:Base winfile.hlp :Title File Manager Help :Index File Manager Help=winfile.hlp 1 File Manager Overview 2 What Is File Manager?=what_is_fm 2 Starting and Quitting File Manager=sqfm_how_fm 2 Customizing the Toolbar=ctt_how_fm 1 Work with Directory Windows 2 Opening and Closing Directory Windows=ocdw_how_fm 2 Selecting and Arranging Directory Windows and Icons=sadwi_how_fm 2 Displaying the Directory Tree or Contents=ddtoc_how_fm 2 Changing the Font in File Manager=cfifm_how_fm 1 Navigate Drives and Directories 2 Changing Disk Drives=cdd_how_fm 2 Changing Directories=cd_how_fm 2 Expanding and Collapsing the Directory Tree=ecdt_how_fm 2 Showing Which Directories Expand=swde_how_fm 2 Connecting to and Disconnecting from a Network Drive=cdnd_how_fm 1 Work with Directory Information 2 Displaying Information on Files=diof_how_fm 2 Sorting the Contents of a Directory=scod_how_fm 2 Limiting the Files to Display=lftd_how_fm 1 Work with Files and Directories 2 Naming a File or Directory=nfod_how_fm 2 Selecting Files Using a Mouse=select_mouse_how_fm 2 Selecting Files Using the Keyboard=select_keyboard_how_fm 2 Selecting Files Using the Select Files Command=select_set_selection_how_fm 2 Creating a Directory=cad_how_fm 2 Moving and Copying Files and Directories Using a Mouse=mcfd_how_fm 2 Moving and Copying Files and Directories Using Commands=mcfd_how_commands_fm 2 Copying a File to the Clipboard=cftc_how_fm 2 Deleting a File or Directory=dfod_how_fm 2 Renaming a File or Directory=rfod_how_fm 2 Searching for a File or Directory=sffod_how_fm 2 Associating Files with an Application=afwa_how_fm 2 Working with File Types=wwft_how_fm 2 Starting an Application from File Manager=saffm_how_fm 2 Printing a File from File Manager=pfffm_how_fm 2 Turning Off Confirmation Messages=tocm_how_fm 2 Setting File Attributes=sfa_how_fm 1 Work with Shared Directories and Files 2 Sharing a Directory=sad_how_fm 2 Stopping Directory Sharing=sds_how_fm 2 Changing Share Properties=csp_how_fm 2 Viewing or Closing Shared Files=vcsf_how_fm 1 Secure Directories and Files 2 Setting Directory Permissions=sdp_how_fm 2 Setting File Permissions=sfp_how_fm 2 Setting Special Access Permissions=ssap_how_fm 2 Setting Permissions Through Shared Directories=sposd_how_fm 2 Auditing Files and Directories=afad_how_fm 2 Adding Users and Groups to Permissions and Auditing Lists=add_users_perms_audit_lists 2 Taking Ownership of Files or Directories=tofd_how_fm 1 Maintain Disks 2 Formatting a Floppy Disk=fafd_how_fm 2 Copying a Floppy Disk=cafd_how_fm 2 Labeling a Disk=lad_how_fm 1 File Menu Commands 2 Open=IDH_OPEN 2 Move=IDH_MOVE 2 Copy=IDH_COPY 2 Copy To Clipboard=IDH_COPYTOCLIPBOARD 2 Delete=IDH_DELETE 2 Rename=IDH_RENAME 2 Properties=IDH_ATTRIBS 2 Compress=IDH_COMPRESS 2 Uncompress=IDH_UNCOMPRESS 2 Run=IDH_RUN 2 Print=IDH_PRINT 2 Associate=IDH_ASSOCIATE 2 Create Directory=IDH_MAKEDIR 2 Search=IDH_SEARCH 2 Select Files=IDH_SELECT 2 Exit=IDH_EXIT 1 Disk Menu Commands 2 Copy Disk=IDH_DISKCOPY 2 Label Disk=IDH_LABEL 2 Format Disk=IDH_FORMAT 2 Connect Network Drive=IDH_CONNECT 2 Disconnect Network Drive=IDH_DISCONNECT 2 Share As=IDH_SHAREAS 2 Stop Sharing=IDH_STOPSHARE 2 Select Drive=IDH_DRIVESMORE 1 Tree Menu Commands 2 Expand One Level=IDH_EXPONE 2 Expand Branch=IDH_EXPSUB 2 Expand All=IDH_EXPALL 2 Collapse Branch=IDH_COLLAPSE 2 Indicate Expandable Branches=IDH_ADDPLUSES 1 View Menu Commands 2 Tree and Directory=IDH_BOTH 2 Tree Only=IDH_TREEONLY 2 Directory Only=IDH_DIRONLY 2 Split=IDH_SPLIT 2 Name=IDH_VNAME 2 All File Details=IDH_VDETAILS 2 Partial Details=IDH_VOTHER 2 Sort by Name=IDH_BYNAME 2 Sort by Type=IDH_BYTYPE 2 Sort by Size=IDH_BYSIZE 2 Sort by Date=IDH_BYDATE 2 By File Type=IDH_VINCLUDE 1 Options Menu Commands 2 Confirmation=IDH_CONFIRM 2 Font=IDH_FONT 2 Customize Toolbar=IDH_TOOLBARCUST 2 Toolbar=IDH_TOOLBAR 2 Drivebar=IDH_DRIVEBAR 2 Status Bar=IDH_STATUSBAR 2 Open New Window on Connect=IDH_ONWOCON 2 Minimize on Use=IDH_MINONRUN 2 Save Settings on Exit=IDH_SAVESETTINGS 1 Security Menu Commands 2 Permissions (Directory)=HC_SED_NT_DIR_PERMS_DLG 2 Permissions (File)=HC_SED_NT_FILE_PERMS_DLG 2 Auditing (Directory)=HC_SED_NT_DIR_AUDITS_DLG 2 Auditing (File)=HC_SED_NT_FILE_AUDITS_DLG 2 Owner=HC_TAKEOWNERSHIP_DIALOG 1 Window Menu Commands 2 New Window=IDH_NEWWINDOW 2 Cascade=IDH_CASCADE 2 Tile Horizontally=IDH_TILEH 2 Tile Vertically=IDH_TILEV 2 Arrange Icons=IDH_ARRANGE 2 Refresh =IDH_REFRESH 2 Names of Open Windows=IDH_CHILDSTART 1 Default Toolbar Buttons 2 Connect Network Drive =IDH_CONNECT 2 Disconnect Network Drive =IDH_DISCONNECT 2 Share As =IDH_SHAREAS 2 Stop Sharing =IDH_STOPSHARE 2 Name =IDH_VNAME 2 All File Details =IDH_VDETAILS 2 Sort By Name =IDH_BYNAME 2 Sort By Type =IDH_BYTYPE 2 Sort By Size =IDH_BYSIZE 2 Sort By Date =IDH_BYDATE 2 New Window =IDH_NEWWINDOW 2 Copy =IDH_COPY 2 Move =IDH_MOVE 2 Delete =IDH_DELETE 2 Permissions =perms_button_help